Thicker, fuller lips are an easy way to enhance one’s overall appearance and beauty. Lip enhancement is for all ages. It is an excellent anti aging treatment for lips that have developed lines and wrinkles, or a deflated appearance over time. Everyone looks better with fuller, firmer appearing lips.
Lip enhancing procedures are fairly simple, and the results are immediate and gratifying. Lip enhancement procedures fall into three categories: insertion of natural fillers, fat grafting techniques, and surgical tissue advancement procedures.
Natural fillers, such as Restylane,® are very popular, quick, and provide immediate results. Their “off the shelf” convenience and safety record make them ideal, though temporary treatments.
Fat grafting is a very acceptable and natural lip enhancement procedure. This is the most natural approach, as it uses one’s own tissue, and has no chance of rejection or allergy. This procedure, when carefully and properly done, will result in a long lasting enhancement.
Permanent enhancement can be achieved by a surgical tissue advancement technique that permanently increases the actual size of the lip. Dr. Wells’ primary objective is always a natural result that will enhance your beauty and provide a lasting, natural, pleasing result.
Lip enhancement is a favorite aesthetic procedure. It is simple and the results are immediate! Lip enhancement can make you feel more beautiful today!
Call Dr. Scott Wells’ office to schedule your lip enhancement consultation either at our Manhattan office in New York City or at our Long Island or Westchester offices.