Why Should I Get Breast Augmentation?
Natural breast enhancement is a notion that seems too often elusive these days. A woman’s contours should be elegant and balanced, within the range of expected norms. Exceedingly large and prominent breast contours look artificial and unsophisticated. The desired aesthetic requires a sophisticated “Bio-Dimensional” approach, matching the new size and shape to a woman’s existing body dimensions. This ensures “natural” proportions that are attractive, not distractive.
How Do I Know If I Am A Good Candidate?
To be a candidate for silicone implants, patients must be deemed appropriate and meet certain criteria to be candidates for inclusion in the Adjunctive Study. Dr. Wells will discuss options with you and determine which type of implant will be appropriate and best suit your needs.
Will I Lose Anything After A Breast Augmentation?
Numerous surgical options exist in achieving the goal of Natural Breast Enhancement. Often the simple placement of reasonably sized implants into the appropriate location can produce stunning, but natural results. It is imperative to understand, however, that when the loss of breast tissue firmness and skin sag exist, some form of lifting and tissue reduction may be necessary to achieve ideal contours. The simple technique of just adding more and more implant volume to “take up the slack” must be avoided. Regardless of the technique, be it augmentation, reduction, lift or some combination of the above, the result of a firmly shaped, but appropriately sized breast is the aesthetic goal. The result should be “Naturally You™.”